I can’t believe how far I have come since the beginning of this class over 12 weeks ago. Time has flown! At first, I had no idea what to expect since it is Global Ad and PR’s maiden voyage to London. I knew we’d be working on individual projects, but I didn’t realize how large of an undertaking that would be. It took me a while to figure out what I wanted to focus on but finally chose fashion.
      First, I gained great experience with presenting. I’m far from perfect, but class and instructor feedback has really helped me improve. As we moved on, I learned a lot about the PR side of fashion and the best strategies in fashion campaigns to reach the college student. Nothing I found completely surprised me because I am an active part of the demographic I was studying. After plenty of research, I concluded that college students want authenticity, social media and a discount to edit
What the experts taught me
 I interviewed four professionals in the industry, which is where the bulk of my information came from. Here is a summary of what they told me.

Michael Paterson: Creative director of the Gap Campaign
College students respond best to advertising that does not feel like advertising. 

Caroline Wilson: Campus Ambassador Director for VS PINK Campaign

Finding innovative and new ways to reach the college girl is the biggest challenge today. 

Scott Bunner: Student Director of KSU Fashion School Store

Social media is advantageous for the consumer and the brand because it opens up two-way communication

Dr. Nancy Stanforth: KSU Fashion Merchandising Professor 
The younger generation wants more personalization and is less skeptical of web advertisements.

Speaking with them inspired me to consider a career in fashion because I realized I could never get bored with it. 

In England, I will be conducting the same type of research but with UK brands instead. I can relate personally to this because I’m somewhat of a shopaholic, so not only will I be studying fashion in the UK from a scholarly point of view, but also as a consumer!
This was my favorite PR campaign- VS PINK Collegiate Line!

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